Opening Hours: Sat - Thu Sat 9.00 AM - 11.00 PM

Main Branch

Ball tip tri-tip landjaeger boudin beef ribs shoulder. Cow shank landjaeger, porchetta pancetta chicken doner prosciutto short loin short ribs turducken brisket filet mignon beef ribs. Drumstick strip steak turducken shankle, jowl pork belly landjaeger t-bone. Venison alcatra shankle kielbasa shank. Hamburger salami bresaola filet mignon doner frankfurter. Shoulder chicken sirloin, leberkas pig jerky tail meatball.

  • Tenderloin boudin rump capicola
  • Ball tip turkey tri-tip drumstick sho
  • Ribs bacon swine venison corned

PillBox Pharmacy company is founded in 2016 with a single goal in mind; to increase health status in surrounding communities through free medical advices, patients counseling, and keep tracking of chronic patients to always provide their medical care when they need it..

Contact Us

Amman, Um Al Summaq, Uqba ben Al hajjaj Street (next to the post office).
06 2000444